Volume 7, Issue 4 (2020)
1. Hydromagnetic couette flow between two vertical semi infinite permeable plates
Otieno Collins Owuor et al.
pp. 1-13
pp. 1-13
2. The solution of simultaneous time and space fractional order boundary value problems Research
Ajay Dixit, Amit Ujlayan
pp. 14-19
pp. 14-19
3. On Generalized 4-primes Numbers
Yüksel Soykan
pp. 20-33
pp. 20-33
4. Horadam Numbers: Sum of the Squares of Terms of Sequence
Yüksel Soykan
pp. 34-50
pp. 34-50
5. On a fractional order generalized thermo-elastic diffusion theorem
Kamalesh Paul, B. Mukhopadhyay
pp. 51-63
pp. 51-63
6. On Fibonacci lacunary statistical convergence of double sequences in
intuitionistic fuzzy normed linear spaces
pp. 64-71
pp. 64-71
7. Bayes Pre-Test Shrinkage Estimation of Rayleigh Distribution under
Different Loss Functions
Alaa Khlaif Jiheel, Ahmed Baqer Jaafar Al-Qatifi
pp. 72-90
pp. 72-90
8. Using Lie Symmetry to solve first and second order Linear Differential
Waleed Khalid Jaber et al.
pp. 91-99
pp. 91-99